Jump link is used for jumping between part of a page.
Wonder how to create a jump link?
Ie: jump from the top of the page to the bottom? This will comes handy if you have a very long page.
Or jump to top from the bottom of a page?
Jump link consist two “HTML a” tags, the link & the destination.
Case: jump to the bottom of the same page.
This is the code where you want to place the jump link:
[html]<a href="#bottom">Jump to bottom</a>[/html]
This is the code you need to place at the destination.
[html]<a name="bottom"></a>[/html]
Case: jump to the top of the same page.
This is the code where you want to place the jump link:
[html]<a href="#top">Jump to top</a>[/html]
This is the code you need to place at the destination.
[html]<a name="top"></a>[/html]
Case: jump to the specific part of another page (ie: http://crushedge.com/2008/12/03/how-to-backup-and-restore-putty-settings/).
This is the code where you want to place the jump link:
[html]<a href="http://crushedge.com/2008/12/03/how-to-backup-and-restore-putty-settings/#somewhere">Jump to somewhere</a>[/html]
This is the code you need to place at the destination (another-page.html).
[html]<a name="somewhere"></a>[/html]
Good luck!
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