
WordPress: How to deactivate all plugins

WordPress is a robust platform, but like any other software, it can sometimes run into issues. One of the most common problems WordPress users face is the dreaded “White Screen of Death” or an inaccessible website. This can be caused by a variety of reasons, including plugin conflicts, theme issues, or server-side problems. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the steps to troubleshoot an inaccessible WordPress website by disabling all plugins and reverting to the default theme.

Why Disable Plugins and Themes?

Plugins and themes are essential components of a WordPress website. They add functionality and design elements that make your site unique. However, they can also be the culprits behind a malfunctioning website. A single faulty plugin or theme can break your entire site, making it inaccessible. By disabling all plugins and reverting to the default theme, you can isolate the problem and identify the offending component.

Steps to Troubleshoot an Inaccessible WordPress Website:

  1. Deactivate All Plugins from the WordPress Dashboard:
    – If you can access your WordPress admin dashboard, go to Plugins > Installed Plugins.
    – Select all plugins by clicking the checkbox at the top of the list.
    – From the Bulk Actions dropdown, choose ‘Deactivate’ and click ‘Apply’. This will deactivate all your plugins at once.
  2. Disable Plugins via FTP:
    – If you can’t access your dashboard, you can disable plugins using FTP.
    – Connect to your server using an FTP client or your hosting file manager.
    – Navigate to the ‘wp-content’ folder.
    – Rename the ‘plugins’ folder to something like ‘plugins-deactivated’. This will deactivate all plugins as WordPress won’t recognize the renamed folder.
    – If a plugin was causing the issue, you should now be able to access your dashboard. Rename the folder back to ‘plugins’ and activate them one by one to identify the problematic plugin
  3. Deactivate Plugins Using phpMyAdmin:
    – Access phpMyAdmin through your hosting account.
    – Select your WordPress database and click on the ‘wp_options’ table.
    – Find the ‘active_plugins’ row and click ‘Edit’.
    – Delete the data inside the ‘option_value’ field and save changes. This will deactivate all plugins.
  4. Revert to the Default Theme:
    – If disabling plugins doesn’t resolve the issue, the problem might be with your theme.
    – Using FTP, navigate to ‘wp-content/themes/’.
    – Rename your current theme’s folder. This will force WordPress to revert to the default theme.


Disabling plugins and reverting to the default theme are effective ways to troubleshoot an inaccessible WordPress website. Once you’ve identified the problematic plugin or theme, you can either replace it or seek a solution to fix the issue. Remember, always keep backups of your website and regularly update your plugins, themes, and WordPress core to prevent such issues in the future.

Need Further Assistance?

If you’ve followed the steps above and are still facing issues, it might be time to seek professional help. Consider reaching out to WordPress experts or your hosting provider for further assistance. Remember, the key is to remain patient and methodical in your troubleshooting approach.

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